I'll Give You The Sun Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I went around from painting to painting asking each to eat me and each did. How my skin fit the whole time, didn't once bunch up at my ankles or squeeze my head into a pin. (1.150)

Noah feels awkward most of the time. At the museum, though, he feels right at home. Even if other people would think asking paintings to eat you would be, um, on the awkward side.

Quote #2

When he found out I got in and he didn't, he destroyed everything he'd never made. Not even a doodle remains. He hasn't picked up a pencil, pastel, stick of charcoal, or paintbrush since. (2.78)

When Noah thinks he's rejected by the art school of his dreams, he gives up all his artistic pursuits. It's super sad.

Quote #3

This time it was a big round woman, done bas relief, like always, except she was halfway turned into a bird—so incredible it made my head vibrate. (3.6)

Jude is a talented artist, but for some reason she keeps it a secret. Even when it causes the elusive head-vibrating form of art appreciation.