Inkheart Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Dustfinger looked first at Mo, then at Meggie with an expression of incredulity on his face. "You haven't told her?" Meggie heard him ask in a low voice. (3.27)

Earth to Meggie: your entire childhood has been a lie, and now this stranger turns up on your door and he knows the truth while you don't. Have fun with that revelation.

Quote #2

Mo nodded. "One of my library commissions has been postponed—you know how libraries are always short of money."

Meggie looked at him uneasily. She hadn't realized he could lie quite so convincingly. (4.29-30)

This is a fun realization: your dad is actually quite a good liar, and he doesn't hesitate to lie even to other family members. Of course by now Meggie knows that her dad has been keeping secrets from her (about a mysterious man named Capricorn, and about a book that she's not allowed to see), so maybe this doesn't come as such a huge surprise after all.

Quote #3

When she was little she believed that Mo had simply invented a mother for her one day because he thought she'd have liked to have one. He told wonderful stories about her. (9.2)

Mo has told some really fabulous and inventive stories about Meggie's mom, the adventures she's off having, and excuses for why she can't come home and be with Meggie. It's almost become normal for Meggie to have a made-up image of a mother. Then again, most of us form images of the people in our lives that don't quite correspond to reality.