Marcus Yallow Timeline and Summary


Marcus Yallow Timeline and Summary

  • Marcus is a high school senior in San Francisco who doesn't seem to do well with authority.
  • He's skipping school to play Harajuku Fun Madness with his friends Darryl, Van, and Jolu when terrorists blow up the Bay Bridge.
  • When Marcus and his friends are taken to a secret prison as suspected terrorists by the DHS, he vows to get even no matter what it takes. He's released, along with Van and Jolu, a few days later.
  • Post-bridge bombing, Marcus's world becomes more and more surveilled. He even finds a bug in the laptop he made himself. He's not happy about any of this.
  • Marcus draws on some tech skills to use an Xbox as a way to get online without being monitored. He distributes instructions to others and the Xnet grows.
  • Van tells Marcus she can't watch him destroy himself and takes off. She also gives him a great idea about encrypting more internet traffic, which he and Jolu get to work on.
  • Realizing that Xnet's been compromised by DHS spies, he and some other teenagers create a "web of trust" that only they can access. They set this up during a sweet party at Sutro Baths. Marcus meets Ange.
  • The next Saturday Ange and Marcus go to an illegal concert in Dolores Park with the theme "Don't trust anyone over 25." The concert is raided but Marcus and Ange get away.
  • Frustrated by the lack of media coverage of their side of the story, Marcus (as M1k3y) throws an Xnet press conference for journalists. Lots of people show up.
  • Marcus gets a note from someone named Zeb that was imprisoned with Darryl, explaining more about the secret prison. Marcus decides to break the silence.
  • He tells his parents, Darryl's dad, and Barbara Stratford, an old family friend who just happens to be an investigative reporter, about what really happened after the explosion.
  • Bad news strikes: the web of trust has been breached. Someone named Masha is working for DHS and knows everything.
  • Marcus and Ange make a plan for VampMob as a way to escape with Masha out of San Francisco. Things don't quite go how Marcus wants and he ends up escaping from Masha by locking her into a moving truck.
  • Marcus finds some other Xnetters, gets access to the internet and rests a bit. Being on the run is hard.
  • After meeting up with Zeb, Marcus is captured by DHS. Back at Gitmo-by-the-Bay he starts to be water boarded, but is saved by a prison raid led by Barbara.
  • In the epilogue, Marcus is now working on getting people to vote and make change in the government.