Little Brother Tone

Take a story's temperature by studying its tone. Is it hopeful? Cynical? Snarky? Playful?

Fast-paced, Factual, Dramatic

The events never seem to stop in Marcus's story. Even when there is the occasional pause for a contextual flashback, that contextual flashback is fast-paced and dramatic. Making flashbacks exciting? Doctorow, you're a master.

What we find amazing is how much the book makes us care about how internet security and other dry technology topics. It's got the same thriller pace as, say, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but much less violence.

In fact, the factual tone of Little Brother had us believing that some of the made-up tech was actually real…and that some of the tech that actually exists was fake. (We're no Marcus Yallows, that's for sure.)

Trust us: it would be harder to get bored while reading this book than to get bored walking across the Golden Gate Bridge. In other words, it's impossible.