Luna Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Luna? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who calls Regan his "girly whirligig"?

Her dad
Creepy Mr. Bruchac
Q. What does Aly say that she would have bought Luna for her birthday if she had known she was transgender?

A boob job
A new wig
An apron
Q. What does Regan's mom say when she tells her that Luna is coming out as transgender and needs her help?

That she wants to stay out of it so their dad will die of a heart attack
That Liam is just joking around
That she doesn't know what transgender means
That she can't handle it right now
Q. How does Regan respond when Chris asks her out to a rave on Saturday night?

She spills sulfuric acid on herself
She leans in for a French kiss
She hits him on the head with her chemistry textbook
She swoons like a proper Victorian
Q. Why does Hoyt tell Luna that he's always known she was a perv?

She eats her lunch funny
She asks to look down his shorts
She drops a backpack full of porn while going to class
She comes to school dressed as Luna