Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

So mostly I don't trust anybody. Except my mom, Jules. (Most of the time, anyway.) (1.4)

Well, at least Rafe's got his mom…sometimes, at least. Jules is a pretty great mom. She obviously loves and cares about her son, even if she can't always be there for him.

Quote #2

Bear and Mom had just gotten engaged that summer, over Fourth of July. That's when Bear moved in. Mom asked Georgia and me what we thought about it before she said yes, but what were we going to tell her? "You're about to get engaged to the world's biggest slug"? I don't think she would have listened, anyway.

Now Mom was working double shifts at the diner all the time just to make enough money, and Bear was spending 99 percent of his time on our couch, except maybe to go to the bathroom or to collect his stupid unemployment check.

Bottom line? My mom was way too good for this guy, but unfortunately neither of them seemed to know it. (8.16-18)

The whole Mom and Bear situation is tough for Rafe and Georgia. Bear's living with them now and he's supposed to become a permanent part of their family. The trouble is, he really isn't a good dad or even a nice person. He makes their whole house tense and the kids can't stand him. But how can they tell their mom that? They want her to be happy, right?

Quote #3

"And Rafe? You haven't… seen Leo lately, have you?" she asked.

Ouch. I didn't see that one coming.

Leo's kind of a touchy subject in our house. This was the first time in a long time I felt like I had to tell Mom a 100 percent lie, so I just shook my head no. Somehow it seemed better than lying out loud.

Mom looked relieved— which is exactly why I lied, so she wouldn't worry.

"Okay, then," she said. "Remember, if you ever need to talk about anything—"

"I know, Mom. Thanks," I said. (19.19-24)

Rafe trusts Mom…but not totally. He doesn't tell her the truth about Leo, but can't bring himself to totally lie in words. Mom isn't mad at him though when she asks. She's pretty compassionate and understanding. She loves Rafe and wants to help him. Maybe he should tell Mom the truth?