More Than Human Part 1, Section 17 Summary

  • Four days later, Janie is thinking about her secret place, a hidden patch of ground in a nearby copse. (You know, a little area of trees.)
  • She uses her telekinesis to open the door her mother locked while she went out for lunch, and goes to the copse to play alone. She swings on a branch she usually swings from.
  • This time, though, when she lets go, her feet are grabbed from behind and she lands in an ouch-y way.
  • The twins were the ones who grabbed her. Saying "Ho-ho," one spanks her, and saying "He-hee," the other grabs a stave to follow up with a smack.
  • Janie retaliates by reading the second twin's mind. "Eeep," the twin says, and vanishes with teleportation.
  • They continue the battle, the twins teleporting and spitting on her (gross) and saying "Ho-ho" and "He-hee." The twins teleport away.
  • One says "Ho-ho." Janie spots them across the street on the courtyard wall. They wave and vanish.
  • Janie rests and realizes they knew all along who was moving the rompers. She decides to admire their abilities and says, "Ho-ho."
  • She heads back toward home and rings for that janitor, Mr. Widdecombe.
  • He answers and, lying, she tells him her mother has said she can play with the twins.
  • Mr. Widdecombe is surprised and, after checking with the twins, says it's okay for the three to play together. Ho-ho. He-hee.