The Guards

Character Analysis

We don't really get to know Campbell's guards too well, but here's a quick breakdown for good measure.

Arnold Marx

Arnold doesn't really know too much about WWII, but he knows a ton about King Solomon and ancient history. He likes excavating ruins with his dad in their free time. He's studying to be a lawyer.

Andor Gutman

Gutman has nightmares about his time in Auschwitz and feels a lot of guilt about volunteering to work in the gas chambers. He still doesn't understand fully why he did that.

Arpad Kovacs

Kovacs escaped having to go to a concentration camp by pretending to be a Nazi. It's ironic that he's guarding Campbell, because Kovacs has been publically absolved of doing Nazi things, while no one knows at this point that Campbell was working undercover.

Bernard Mengel

Mengel escaped the Nazis by playing dead while they pulled out his teeth looking for gold fillings. Nightmare pain. Gah. Speaking of nightmares, Mengel is the one who reveals that Campbell feels guilt over the past because he's seen him tossing and turning with bad dreams all night.