Nausea Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The truth stares me in the face: this man is going to die soon. (16.95)

When he sees a respected doctor walk into a restaurant, Antoine is overcome by certainty that the man will soon die. He can see it is the guy's face, and Antoine is very good at sizing people up with one look.

Quote #2

Or else he was dead, up there above my head. Found dead in bed one foggy morning—sub-heading: in the café, customers went on eating without suspecting. (19.50)

Antoine thinks about the way that world just keeps going when someone dies. After all, other people have their own business to deal with.

Quote #3

Suppose he's dead. (19.43)

When the owner of the Café Mably doesn't come down at his usual time, an old woman wonder out loud if he might be dead up in his bed. It's a morbid thought, but the casual way she brings it up shows us that death is a possibility to lingers over every second of our lives.