

Character Role Analysis

Step Right Up, Everybody

Sometimes the antagonist is described as the bad guy, but that's not always the case. The antagonist is the person standing between the protagonist and her goal, and in One Came Home, it's hard to pick just one since no one but Georgie believes Agatha is still alive, so everyone tries to convince her otherwise.

First, it's Ma and Grandfather Bolte and Sheriff McCabe, then it's the people in Dog Hollow, and then Mr. Garrow and Bowler Hat come after Georgie and Billy with guns a-blazing, which is a surefire way to keep anyone from a goal. The point is, Georgie's pretty much on her own in her attempt to prove Agatha is still alive, and a lot of people try to dissuade her from her goal. Even those who help Georgie on her journey, like Billy and Grandfather Bolte, are doing so only to help her accept Agatha's death.

Luckily for everybody, Georgie doesn't rub all their noses in just how wrong they were.