Perseverance Quotes in Paper Towns

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"We'll fix this," I said. (2.2.15)

Margo Roth Spiegelman gives Quentin a little more drive than he had before their memorable night out. He decides to stop the school bullies in Margo's absence, and he doesn't stop until he succeeds.

Quote #2

"We are supposed to go to Margo's room and unscrew the lock from the door and unscrew the door itself from its jamb." (2.5.61)

Quentin and his pals are more determined (and resourceful) to find Margo than Scooby-Doo and the gang are to solve their mysteries.

Quote #3

The clue was mine. The doors were mine! (2.7.24)

Instead of giving up after finding nothing in Margo's door, Quentin keeps thinking about the clue, and even tries something completely ridiculous (because, really, how would Margo hide anything in his door?)… and it works.