Paperboy Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Paperboy? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who does the strange man at Mrs. Worthington's house say he is?

Mrs. Worthington's lover
Mrs. Worthington's cousin
Mr. Worthington's brother Bob
The cable repair guy
Q. Why doesn't Victor want to tell Mam about how Ara T took his knife?

He promised her that he wouldn't hang around Ara T.
He stole the knife from his father in the first place.
He's not supposed to play with knives.
He lies to Mam compulsively.
Q. What secret from the past has Ara T been hiding all these years?

That he works for the CIA
That he lives in Victor's garage with Mam
That he killed Mam's brother
That he hates Justin Bieber
Q. What does Mam say happened to her when she returns to work after taking a few days off?

That Ara T beat her up
That she fell and had an accident
That she's putting in her two-week's notice
That she never liked working with kids
Q. What does Victor learn about his father when he goes snooping in the closet?

He's not Victor's biological parent.
He's a wanted criminal.
He's Elvis.
He works for the FBI.