Pedro Páramo Section 58 Summary

  • Damiana Cisneros, the cook at the Media Luna ranch, hears the bulls bellowing and can't sleep. She hears someone knocking on the wall of a nearby room.
  • She gets up to look out the window, and sees Pedro Páramo climbing into Margarita's window. She thinks that if Pedro had just told her what he wanted, she would have told Margarita to go to him and he wouldn't have had to sneak around.
  • Later it gets hot and Damiana takes off her pajamas.
  • She has a flashback to a night when she was a young girl and someone was beating on her door.
  • It was the boss, Pedro, telling her to open up, but she told him she was asleep. He was angry and left and never tried again with her. Damiana feels jealous of Margarita, who is with Pedro now.
  • There is another pounding, this time on the door, and Damiana looks out the window to see a group of men outside. She closes her window, because it has nothing to do with her.