Possession Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Possession? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which of these pairs of people isn't really a "pair" in Possession?

Val and Euan
Leonora and Mortimer
Randolph and Christabel
Roland and Maud
Q. How many of Possession's female characters identify themselves explicitly as being romantically interested in women?

Q. Which immortal pairs from folktales, fairy tales, myths, legends, and biblical narratives don't appear in Possession?

Merlin and Vivien
Adam and Eve
Snow White and Prince Charming
Pluto and Proserpine
Q. In Leonora Stern's view, what kinds of landscapes do women writers like to describe?

evasive landscapes
tropical landscapes
desert landscapes
intergalactic landscapes
Q. What image is depicted on Maud Bailey's jet brooch?

an icicle
Rosie the Riveter
a mermaid
a swan