Rhinoceros Act 3 Summary

  • Hypochondriacs of the world unite! The start of this act is for those of us who manage to convince ourselves that we’re “coming down” with the thing everybody else has.
  • Berenger lies in bed, convinced he has a fever and a headache and a hoarse voice and is possibly green—basically all the symptoms Jean displayed before transforming into a rhinoceros.
  • Dudard, Berenger’s coworker, shows up to check on him. Dudard fills Berenger in on all the people who have made the change from human to rhino.
  • Botard—the conspiracy theorist dude who was supposedly so anti-system—has joined with all the other rhinos, as has their boss Mr. Papillon.
  • This new wave of rhinocerization (that’s a word, right?) sparks debate between the coworkers.
  • Dudard seems to believe that everyone who has changed made the decision to do so, but Berenger is not about to accept that.
  • So he decides to seek out the help of the Logician (remember that guy from the first scene?).
  • But guess what? Yep, you know it, the Logician has transformed into a rhinoceros like all the others. Though he has managed to keep wearing his boater hat. If that ain’t logic, we don’t know what is.
  • As the debate grows, Daisy shows up.
  • Until this moment, the state of Daisy and Berenger’s relationship has been a little unclear, but now we know that the two love each other. Or at least they think they do. Love is complicated, you know? Ah, a topic for another time.
  • Daisy reports that more and more rhinoceroses have taken to the streets. What do they need fancy French cafes for, anyway?
  • It’s becoming clear that the three people in the apartment are some of the last—if not the last—people left.
  • As they watch the rhinos on the street below, Dudard grows increasingly attached to them. Don’t they look happy? And healthy? Hmm, maybe they’re the ones who made the right decision…
  • If you haven’t guessed what’s going to happen now, you may want to start over with our first “horny” joke.
  • Soon Dudard has rushed out of the apartment and transformed, yes, into a horny rhino. Berenger and Daisy can’t even recognize the dude-ard among all the other rhinos! But no hat for him, boater or otherwise.
  • Berenger’s got a theory: he says Dudard was in love with Daisy and realizing he couldn’t have her made him join up with the animals. Aw, human problems.
  • So things are not looking good, y’all. Some might say they’re looking downright hopeless. The rhinos are now in the building. Repeat: the rhinos are in the building! There’s no way to stop them, right?
  • You forget, though, that love is a powerful thing.
  • Berenger and Daisy convince themselves that as long as they love each other, things will be okay. They can fight this crazy rhino epidemic. Think it’s gonna work?
  • Here’s something to think about: unless you are watching a romantic comedy, love does not conquer all.
  • Within minutes, Berenger and Daisy’s relationship starts to fall apart.
  • Daisy starts thinking the rhinoceroses are kinda cute and starts to take their side.
  • Uh-oh, you know what that means.
  • Daisy leaves Berenger behind to join the others.
  • Berenger knows he is the only man left. He yells and screams. He will not give in. He will never give in!
  • CURTAIN (aka, The End)