Savvy The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

When Grandpa wasn't a grandpa and was just instead a small-fry, hobbledehoy boy blowing out thirteen dripping candles on a lopsided cake, his savvy hit him hard and sudden… and the entire state of Idaho got made. (1.6)

If we go with the idea that savvies are a metaphor for the changes that kids go through in adolescence, what does it mean that Grandpa made Idaho?

Quote #2

But it wasn't peaches, tomatoes, or pickles that our grandma canned, it was radio waves. (4.15)

Back in the day, it sounds (no pun intended) like this would be a really useful savvy, especially since you couldn't record things off of the radio.

Quote #3

That was when that little angel turned its head, twirled its tail, and said, "She's really very lonely, you know […]." (6.21)

This is a big learning moment for Mibs, despite the fact that she lies to herself about it for several more chapters. It's really a metaphor for the changes that come as you grow older: as much as you learn about them when you're young, or see them happen to others, you never really know what's going to happen until it happens to you.