Sam Jones Timeline and Summary


Sam Jones Timeline and Summary

  • Sam is enjoying skateboarding, hanging out with buddies, and doing his artwork. He might even go to college for art at some point. Things are finally looking up for him.
  • Enter Alicia. She's hot, suave, and super snarky. Sam tries to flirt with her but quickly realizes he won't have a shot and walks away.
  • After Alicia follows him and asks him out, Sam is excited. He runs home to tell his Tony Hawk poster.
  • Sam and Alicia start hanging out all the time. They go all the way one night, and start sleeping together regularly.
  • Things are simmering down between our two lovebirds. Sam thinks he's gone off Alicia, and doesn't want to hang out with her as much. The flame has flickered out.
  • So when Alicia calls Sam with the news she might be pregnant, he freaks out and runs away to Hastings.
  • Luckily, he gets his act together and comes back home, but only after he's visited the future and met his son Roof.
  • It turns out Alicia is pregnant, and she and Sam break the news to each of their parents. It doesn't go very well, but they all learn to live with it.
  • Pretty soon, Sam and Alicia decide that he'll move in after the baby is born.
  • He visits the future again and notices he's back at home and that his mom had a baby with her boyfriend Mark.
  • Back in the present, Alicia gives birth to a baby boy. They name him Rufus.
  • Sam and Alicia start fighting all the time now that they live together. He decides to move back home because of his cold (which is really code for he's getting sick of fighting).
  • Everything is getting back to normal. Sam and Alicia are used to being parents and have figured out how to work together instead of always fighting.
  • Once again, Sam whizzes into the future. This time, he finds himself with a girl named Alex. He's not with Alicia anymore, but he's cool with that. Rufus is doing well, and that's all that matters to him now anyway.