Something Happened The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

We come to work, have lunch, and go home. We goose-step in and goose-step out, change our partners and wander all about, sashay around for a pat on the head, and promenade home till we all drop dead. (2.48)

Ashes, ashes, we all fall down. Slocum describes his home-to-work routine in almost nursery rhyme style. The monotonous cycle contains little variation and it's all just a part of the lifestyle he lives.

Quote #2

Really, I ask myself every now and then, depending on how well or poorly things are going with Green at the office or at home with my wife, or with my retarded son, or with my other son, or my daughter, or the colored maid, or the nurse for my retarded son, is this all there is for me to do? Is this really the most I can get from the few years left in this one life of mine? (2.48)

"Yes" is the answer Slocum doesn't want to hear, but it's the only one he'll get. He really doesn't have many positive things to say about those who inhabit his home, and he seems to view them all as a burden and somewhat of a waste of time. Yet despite his misery, Slocum continues to come home to them each day, since it's much more complicated than he would think to just pack up and set sail for a new life.

Quote #3

I have an impulse often to strike back at the members of my family, even the children, when I feel they are insulting me or taking advantage. (3.96)

To exact revenge, Slocum waits for members of his family to make mistakes so that he can sit back and enjoy seeing them mess up.