Story of a Girl Theme of Love

In Story of a Girl, Deanna's learning a lesson that so many girls learn the hard way: there's a big difference between love and sex. Tommy tells her lots of flattering things, like that she's pretty and she's different from other girls, but he never says I love you. He doesn't give her what Jason gives Lee—namely, affection and respect. As a result of her experience with Tommy, she's fallen into another trap all too common in teenage girls: she thinks she doesn't deserve to be treated well by anyone, though she longs for someone to do so.

Questions About Love

  1. Why didn't Deanna tell Jason she loved him before introducing him to Lee?
  2. Does Deanna really love Jason, or does she just think she does because he's the only boy who's nice to her?
  3. Do you think Deanna can ever imagine herself getting out of Pacifica and finding love in a bigger world?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

The fact that Jason is with Lee is what makes Deanna think she's in love with him. In other words, what she's feeling is really jealousy.

When Deanna kisses Jason, it's her way of claiming him as hers… like she wants so badly someone to do to her.