Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I live at 25 West 68th Street. It's an old apartment building. But it's got one of the best elevators in New York City. There are mirrors all around. You can see yourself from every angle. There's a soft, cushioned bench to sit on if you're too tired to stand. (1.3)

The elevator in the Hatchers' apartment is particularly cool and fancy. This is the reader's introduction to life in the big city. You can see that Peter loves where he lives.

Quote #2

My father said he invited Mr. and Mrs. Yarby to stay with us. My mother wanted to know why they couldn't stay at a hotel like most people who come to New York. […] He thought they'd be more comfortable staying with us. My mother said that was about the silliest thing she'd ever heard. (2.2)

You've got to hand it to Peter's mom—she has a good point. Their apartment is a bit crowded for houseguests, especially ones that are such snobs and need so many amenities and peace and quiet. Plus, Fudge lives there and Peter's mom knows what could happen.

Quote #3

But she fixed up Fudge's bedroom for our guests. She put fancy sheets and a brand-new blanket on the hide-a-bed. That's a sofa that opens up into a bed at night. It's in Fudge's room because that used to be our den. (2.3)

We get a feel here for how small their apartment is. When Fudge came along, they converted the den into a bedroom for him.