Tales of the Madman Underground Theme of Drugs and Alcohol

When alcohol shows up in literature—especially young-adult literature—it's rarely a good thing. In the case of Karl and his friends, it's downright disastrous. Growing up with parents who are not only both alcoholics but also feed on each other's addiction creates an unstable and toxic environment for Karl that eventually drives him to take up the habit as well.

Tales of the Madman Underground deals with a lot of serious issues, but perhaps one of the most serious is how addicts can pass their vices on to their children, whether intentionally or not. Throughout the story, a big part of Karl's struggle is his decision to break free of alcohol and the harmful influence it has on his mother.

Questions About Drugs and Alcohol

  1. It seems like just about everyone in Lightsburg is a drunk. What is it about the town that promotes a culture of alcoholism?
  2. What factors lead Karl to become an alcoholic? What factors lead him to quit?
  3. How does alcohol inhibit the lives of the people in the book it affects?
  4. What causes the characters in the book to drink? What seem to be their triggers for getting drunk?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Drinking is a behavior that Lightsburg simultaneously endorses and shuns.

If Karl's mom had stopped drinking after his dad died, all of the family's issues would have stopped, too.