That Evening Sun Section 6 Summary

  • The white family leaves the cabin. They can see Nancy has left the door open and that she's sitting alone quietly.
  • Okay, let's once again round up what all the kids are doing. As they walk home, they're doing their usual thing. Quentin is quiet, Caddy is asking for explanations—asking what's going to happen to Nancy, for instance—and Jason is being a brat. He's on top of his father's shoulders like he's the king of the world or something.
  • They continue walking. Nancy begins—you guessed it—wailing.
  • Quentin asks his big question: Who will do the family's washing now? See "What's Up With The Ending?" for more on why that's important.
  • The short story closes with Caddy and Jason arguing back and forth over whether Jason is scared to walk the lane home, as if that's the most important thing happening. Mr. Jason tells Caddy to be quiet. And that's a wrap!