The 5th Wave Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I'm talking about the Cassie I was before the Arrival, before the Others parked their alien butts in high orbit. … When I cry—when I let myself cry—that's who I cry for. I don't cry for myself. I cry for the Cassie that's gone. (2.23)

Cassie grieves for her former self—her pre-invasion self—like she was someone who died. In a way, she did.

Quote #2

The first rule of surviving the 4th Wave is don't trust anyone. It doesn't matter what they look like. (3.24)

Cassie is constantly questioning people's identities. That's what happens when your alien enemy wears a human face.

Quote #3

"I know you're human—" "How do you know?" … "Because if you weren't, you would have shot me already." (4.23-4.24)

This is the logic of the Crucifix Soldier, who correctly guesses that Cassie is human. She doesn't return the favor, though, blowing him away a few paragraphs later.