Chad Newsome Timeline and Summary


Chad Newsome Timeline and Summary

  • Chad is a shadowy, presumably bratty character who Strether is hunting for through the first good chunk of the book. Are we ever going to meet this guy?
  • After being away from Paris for a week, Chad surprises Strether by popping into his private box at the Paris theatre. Chad knows why Strether is there and spends the next few days showing him around Paris.
  • Chad takes Strether to a swanky party and introduces him to all of his cool friends, who are either famous artists or famous for being rich.
  • Chad also introduces Strether to Madame de Vionnet, the woman who is responsible for molding Chad into the fine gentleman that he has become.
  • When pressed for details by Strether, Chad replies that his relationship to Madame is an "honest" one. Whatever that means.
  • Eventually, Chad decides that he would like to go back to Woollett to visit his mother. Strether, though, begs Chad to make up reasons for staying in Paris so that Strether will have an excuse not to go home.
  • When his sister shows up to take him home, Chad escorts Sarah around Paris and shows her a good time. Sarah isn't seduced the way Strether has been, though.
  • Chad also spends some time with Mamie Pocock, the girl he's supposed to marry back in Woollett. It becomes obvious, though, that there's not much chemistry on either side of their relationship.
  • After Sarah heads off to Switzerland, Chad leaves Paris at the same time as Madame de Vionnet (suspicious much?). They want to find a nice secluded hotel to go to and carry out their sexual relationship. Which Strether totally does not suspect, until he accidentally catches them in the act. (The act of being in the countryside together, not that act).
  • After Strether finds out about him and Madame de Vionnet, Chad leaves for England and doesn't come back for a week. Strether suspects that Chad went to England to see another woman, although this is never confirmed.
  • At the end of the book, Chad confesses to Strether that he's thinking about heading back to Woollett to run his family business. Strether makes him promise never to leave Madame de Vionnet's side. Chad promises, but Strether ain't convinced.
  • And that's where we leave Chad.