Waymarsh Timeline and Summary


Waymarsh Timeline and Summary

  • Waymarsh shows up in Chester, England to accompany Strether on his Euro trip.
  • We learn very quickly that Waymarsh is a gloomy dude, since the first thing he says to Strether is that he doesn't like Europe.
  • Um, nice to see you, too? We'd hate to remind the guy that he's just signed on for a month-long trip.
  • Waymarsh follows Strether and Maria Gostrey around like an angry dog. The only thing that really gives him any joy is to run away from them every now and then and spend a bunch of money on something he'll never use, like women's jewelry.
  • Unless he has a secret life as a RuPaul contestant.
  • In Paris, Waymarsh has meals with Strether and comes with him to Chad's fancy parties. But Waymarsh is determined not to enjoy himself while Strether has the time of his life. Total party pooper.
  • As Strether makes more attempts to prolong his time in Paris, Waymarsh starts to conspire against him. We're never sure, but it looks a lot like Waymarsh is writing letters to Mrs. Newsome informing her about what Strether is really up to in Paris.
  • When Sarah Pocock and her family arrive, Waymarsh sides with Sarah in the battle against Strether and Chad. He tells Strether to stop being immature and to return to Woollett to be his normal, boring self. Typical move for normal, boring Waymarsh.
  • Meanwhile, Waymarsh and Sarah find they have a lot in common (i.e. bitterness about life) and start hanging out a lot. They even plan a secret trip to the circus that they don't want anyone to know about.
  • Who are the real clouds, we wonder?
  • When it comes time for Sarah and her peeps to leave, Waymarsh decides to go with them. He tells Strether one last time to give up his Paris adventures, but Strether warns him that he (Waymarsh) is wasting his life by taking himself too seriously.
  • Waymarsh basically just says shut up and storms away and we don't see him again for the rest of the book. Good riddance, if you ask us.