The BFG Chapter Twenty-One: The Plan Summary

  • The Queen explains the situation to the Heads of the Army and the Air Force. Both men want to bomb the giants, but the Queen doesn’t approve of killing people—even giants. (And she has a point). She claims two wrongs don’t make a right, and the BFG agrees.
  • The BFG (with Sophie translating—the last thing you want when you’re planning an invasion is more whizzpopper confusion) suggests that they tie the giants up in the afternoon, while they’re asleep. But the Heads of the Army and Air Force get upset when the BFG says he can’t pinpoint Giant Country on a map.
  • Both the Queen and the BFG throw some shade at the Heads of the Army and Air Force. Then the BFG suggests that they follow him while he runs there. That seems like a good solution.
  • The team sets out. Sophie travels in the BFG’s ear, which we already know is as comfy as anything your local mattress store has to offer.
  • There’s a young pilot flying a plane that carries the Head of the Army and the Head of the Air Force. He’s really into the journey. When the Heads freak out because they’re flying outside the atlas, the young pilot points out that the last two pages of every atlas are blank so that adventurers can fill in new places.
  • They arrive in Giant Country. The Head of the Army wants to turn back because he thinks he hears gunfire, but the BFG assures him it’s just the giants snoring.
  • The soldiers tie up the sleeping giants. But they have to move the Fleshlumpeater’s arm. Uh oh: that wakes him up.
  • The Fleshlumpeater grabs a soldier and threatens to eat him, along with all the other humans.
  • Sophie, knowing she better act fast, sticks the Queen’s brooch into his foot, proving that jewelry that doubles as a weapon is the best kind of jewelry.
  • Don’t use jewelry as weapons, kids.
  • The BFG tells the Fleshlumpeater that he was bitten by a snake, which definitely would make us wide awake and heading straight to the hospital, but for the Fleshlumpeater it seems to work like a lullaby. He closes his eyes and the soldiers finish tying him up.
  • The BFG has the soldiers load up their jeeps with his supply dream bottles. There’s also a large, mysterious bag.
  • The giants wake up, but they’re stuck. The helicopters fly them back to England.