The Dark Is Rising Chapter 12 Summary

The Hunt Rides

  • Merriman tells Will that this will be the toughest time of all (oh, goodie). Now that he has the six Signs, the Dark will join their forces and make one last-ditch effort to destroy him.
  • The two of them ride together to the Great Park, with Will on a white horse. This is where the Hunter will ride tonight.
  • Will's efforts in gathering the Signs have empowered the Hunter for the first time in more than a thousand years.
  • George shows up and tells Will that Mary is now safely at home.
  • She thinks she got lost, fell asleep in a barn, and had some crazy dream; she won't think more about it, either.
  • Then George gives Will a mysterious package to deliver to the Hunter. While Will thinks he already knows what's inside, we do not.
  • The Hunter rides in the distance, and Will knows what he must do, so he goes to the Hunter and delivers the package. Just like Will thought, it's the carnival mask that his brother Stephen gave him.
  • The Hunter puts on the mask, asks to see the Signs, and rides.
  • As the storm continues, Will hears strange sounds all around him; he knows that the Hunter must fight the Rider to the ends of the earth.
  • Merriman and Will stand together watching, unable to actually help or see what's happening.
  • Then a silver half-moon appears in the sky and Merriman informs Will that the battle is over; the Dark is defeated—for now. They may rise again one day, but Will has helped destroy them. Hooray.
  • Merriman says they must unite the Signs now, but first they go to where the battle took place, where they find the Walker (a.k.a. Hawkin) on the ground. During the battle, the Rider didn't care about him and threw him to the ground. Poor guy.
  • Will can tell that Merriman feels badly for the Walker, but he says that the Walker has no one to blame but himself; he made these choices.
  • The Walker knows he messed up big time—he realizes that the Dark lied to him and he doesn't want to be in pain anymore.
  • He tells Will to use his powers carefully and never turn to the Dark.
  • The injured Walker calls Merriman "Master" one last time, and then he dies.