The Gilded Six-Bits Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

"A mess of homey flowers planted without a plan but blooming cheerily from their helter-skelter places. The fence and house were whitewashed." (2)

Home is where the heart is, and the house of Missie and Joe is a mixture of crazy and put together. There seems to be a real ying and yang quality to the place, as well as the couple themselves. Hurston uses the details of the house as a sort of foreshadowing into the couple that lives inside.

Quote #2

"Humph! Ah'm way behind time t'day! Joe gointer be heah 'fore Ah git mah clothes on if Ah don't make haste."(6)

Well, this is a good sign, right? Missie's just finished her bath and rushes to make sure she's ready for her husband's arrival at the house. The fact that she times her cleaning to coincide with his arrival means she wants to look good for him and that he's important to her. 

Quote #3

But she knew that it was her husband throwing silver dollars in the door for her to pick up and pile beside her plate at dinner. (8)

Aww, that's cute. Well, maybe not as cute as the hidden gifts in Joe's pockets, but still, we like the adult version of cat and mouse they play together every time Joe gets paid. He makes the money but he likes to spend it on her; it's like her birthday every week!