Dave Saunders Timeline and Summary


Dave Saunders Timeline and Summary

  • Dave is bullied at work, which makes him want to buy a gun.
  • He visits Joe's store, where Joe offers to sell him a cheap old gun for two dollars.
  • Dave rushes home and convinces his mom to give him money. She wants him to bring the gun home immediately, though, so she can give it to his dad.
  • Dave buys the gun, but manages to avoid giving it to his mom.
  • The next morning, Dave heads into work early. Hawkins sends him out to plow the outskirts of the fields with Jenny the mule.
  • Once he's out of earshot, Dave fires a few bullets. He accidentally hits and kills Jenny.
  • When Hawkins finds out, he makes Dave promise to pay him fifty bucks to make up for Jenny's death. This is the equivalent of two years of Dave's wages. Ugh.
  • Later that night, Dave gets the gun and empties the clip into the woods.
  • Impulsively, he hops onto a moving train and leaves home for good.