The Monstrumologist Theme of Pride

Dr. Pellinore Warthrop suffers from an extraordinary amount of pride in The Monstrumologist, and it's not necessarily a good thing. As our story progresses, we see more and more that his pride—in his family, in his occupation, in his superior intellect—often gets in the way of his ability to make decisions for the greater good. When it is revealed that his actions are motivated by self-preservation, he goes to great lengths (and convoluted reasoning) in order to save face and justify what he has done rather than face the consequences. Tsk tsk, Dr. W.

Questions About Pride

  1. Why does Dr. Warthrop get angry when Will Henry insinuates that they should tell someone else about the Anthropophagi? What does this reveal about his priorities?
  2. Is Will Henry proud of Dr. Warthrop? Is Dr. Warthrop proud of Will Henry? How can you tell?
  3. How does Warthrop's pride get in the way of combating the Anthropophagi problem? Be specific, and don't only discuss the Stinnet family.

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Dr. Warthrop truly believes that his superior intellect and knowledge of the arcane makes his judgment more reliable than anyone else's.

Dr. Warthrop's arrogance is a result of innate insecurity disguised as an overblown superiority complex.