Tom Jones Book 13, Chapter 6 Summary

What Arrived While the Company Were At Breakfast, With Some Hints Concerning the Government of Daughters

  • The next morning at breakfast, Tom is deeply sad.
  • Apparently, Mrs. Fitzpatrick has left, and Tom can't figure out how to find her.
  • The conversation around the table turns to love.
  • In the middle of this discussion, a delivery arrives for Tom.
  • He thinks it must be some mistake; the package is totally bizarre.
  • Inside is a black cape with a hood (a "domino"), a mask, and a ticket to a masquerade ball.
  • The only message on the package claims to be from "the Queen of the Fairies" (13.6.8), telling Tom to use her present.
  • Everyone at the table agrees that they must be from a woman who wants to see him.
  • Tom thinks it is Mrs. Fitzpatrick, since no other women in the area know where he's staying.
  • Perhaps she's arranging a secret meeting between Tom and Sophia?
  • Tom gets his hopes up, of course.
  • Mr. Nightingale agrees to go with Tom.
  • Mr. Nightingale invites Tom to go with him to a tavern for lunch.
  • Tom makes an excuse to dodge Mr. Nightingale's invitation.
  • Really, Tom has run completely out of money.
  • He's starting to get hungry, though.
  • Partridge reminds him of that hundred-pound bill, but Tom still refuses to chip into it.
  • So Partridge advises him to go back to Squire Allworthy.
  • Tom tries to explain to Partridge (again) that he can't just go back to Squire Allworthy's.
  • Tom has to borrow a shilling from Partridge to pay for transportation to get to the masquerade with Mr. Nightingale.