Touching Spirit Bear Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I'm not afraid of dying," Cole boasted.

Edwin smiled slightly. "If death stares you straight in the face, believe me, son, you'll get scared." (2.16-17)

Cole thinks he's a total tough guy—the kind of person who wouldn't be afraid to die—but Edwin knows better. Cole is just saying this because he hasn't actually confronted his mortality yet.

Quote #2

Instead of fleeing, the bear shifted position to face Cole directly. Head hung low, it waited. Cole hesitated, then kept inching forward. It puzzled him that the bear would hold its ground. It must be bluffing. Surely it would turn and run. If it didn't, it would die. He intended to kill it. Didn't the stupid moron know that? (7.31)

Cole considers Spirit Bear stupid for not backing down when he's so intent on killing the creature, but what he doesn't realize is that Spirit Bear is the one with the upper hand—and Cole's the one with his life on the line.

Quote #3

Cole closed his eyes. Was he dying? Every movement, every breath tortured him. The blood seeping into his throat choked him. He coughed, and pain ripped at his chest. His stomach churned, and the world threatened to turn black. (8.12)

As soon as he goes up against Spirit Bear, Cole totally regrets it. It's obvious that Spirit Bear won this fight, and now Cole might not make it off of this island alive. What a bummer.