The Wealth of Nations Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Such sacrifices, though they might frequently be agreeable to the interest, are always mortifying to the pride of every nation. (4.7.45)

Adam Smith knows that his country would be better off if it let go of its colonies and gave them the power to engage in free trade. But he knows that the pride of weak people will always prevent this from happening.

Quote #2

The pride of man makes him love to domineer, and nothing mortifies him so much as to be obliged to condescend to persuade his inferiors. (3.2.9)

The evidence clearly shows that people with paid workers do better than people with slave laborers. But Smith knows that people will keep buying slaves because their pride makes them want to have total control over other people.

Quote #3

Wherever the law allows it, and the nature of the work can afford it, therefore, he will generally prefer the service of slaves to that of freemen. (3.2.9)

Again, Smith dwells on the stupidity of people who choose to buy slaves instead of having paid workers. On the surface, it might seem like this is better for the bottom line. But again, this is a case of people being blinded by pride and wanting to have control over other people for its own sake.