White Noise Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


Jack might seem like a pretty boring guy in day-to-day life. But when he gets behind closed doors with his wife, Babette, he likes to get down n' dirty. The novel is fairly descriptive about some of their intimacies, especially when it comes to Jack's fondness for his wife's breasts. Babette and Jack are seemingly down to knock boots whenever the occasion presents itself. They even read each other weird, historical erotica. It seems like a pretty good marriage, to be honest.

The book probably gets its steamiest, though, when Jack starts to obsess over the thought of Babette cheating on him with another man. This obsession often leads Jack to picture the act as it's happening, with vivid descriptions that might even make Murray Siskind blush.

We won't get into the gruesome details here and now, but it's safe to say that you probably would feel more comfortable discussing the philosophical elements of this novel with your grandpa or weird book-nerd aunt rather than bringing up any of the, uh, more anatomical aspects of White Noise.