Al Timeline and Summary


Al Timeline and Summary

  • Al and Min have been best friends forever, and the book opens in "real time" with Min asking Al for a favor: to drive her to her ex-boyfriend's house. Min wants to leave a box of her ex's stuff on the doorstep.
  • Flashback to Al's birthday party, which is the night Min meets Ed.
  • Al expresses his reservations about Min's developing relationship with Ed early and often. Min thinks he doesn't like Ed, but the truth is that Al's just jelly—he loves Min himself.
  • Min and Al have a huge fight about Ed. Al tries to say he has no opinion, but Min presses, until eventually, Al expresses an opinion. And guess what? It's negative.
  • The besties don't talk for a long time.
  • At the urging of their mutual friend Lauren, Al tells Min that he wants to make up—oh, and also he says that he loves her.
  • He isn't too dramatic about it, though; he understands that Min has other things on her mind.
  • Al comforts Min after she and Ed break up at the flower shop.
  • Min and Al spend a lot of time together after her breakup.
  • A month or so after the breakup, in December, Al takes Min to drop off the aforementioned box. Finally.