Rabbit's Friends and Relations

Character Analysis

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Peanut Gallery

Rabbit's friends and relations are a pretty nondescript group, and don't really have personalities to contribute to the stories. But they show up in various places that tend to emphasize moments in the story that create a sense of community. Kind of like the chorus in a Greek tragedy, but cute and funny. They show up to help pull Pooh out of Rabbit's door, making the line of characters longer, more exaggerated, and therefore more comical. They join in the Expotition, emphasizing the scale of the grand adventure. And they make an appearance as excited witnesses to Rabbit's important day to illustrate just how important he looks as he struts around.

We learn of two specific friends and relations in the tales. First, Milne recounts the anecdote of Alexander Beetle running off to live with his aunt after being embarrassed by everyone saying "Hush" during the Expotition. The detail Milne gives is excessive in relation to driving the story forward, but the little guy's extreme reaction adds some comic relief in the middle of the straightforward traveling part of the adventure. And of course, we learn the name of Small, whose getting lost drives the action in the episode in House, Chapter 3.