Witch and Wizard Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It's like we'd woken up, and suddenly we were living in a totalitarian state. (10.1)

Though Whit and Wisty feel like the world has transformed overnight, it's actually been happening for a while. Totalitarian states don't spring up overnight, folks.

Quote #2

My old life, and the days of recklessly skipping class, felt like a million worlds away now. (15.3)

In prison, Whit and Wisty long for their old lives, which feel very far away.

Quote #3

A few days ago, it seemed like the worst thing that could happen to me was waking up with a giant zit during school-picture day. How could life as I'd known it change so quickly and bizarrely? My brother and I had just been sentenced to death. (20.3)

One day you're worried about your math test, and the next day you're awaiting your execution. Sometimes life is just weird like that.