Punctuation Introduction

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Like grammar nerds like to say, punctuation is a matter of life and death. There's a huge difference between "Let's eat, Grandma" and "Let's eat Grandma."

Ba-dum ching!

Yes, grammarians can also be cornballs. But grammar truly is a matter of life and death… of your dignity as a writer. And as a human being.

You could write that, "Rachel Ray finds inspiration in cooking her family and her dog." Oof.

You could post a sign in the disabled/family restroom at your establishment that reads "Attention: toilet only for disabled elderly pregnant children." Oof. Oof. And also—what?!

And it ain't just commas that spell the difference between cannibalism and family dining or embarrassment and writing proficiency.

Without periods, you could end up writing "I have two hours to kill someone come hang out." (Terrifying.)

Overindulgence in quotation marks could have you saying that your restaurant serves the best "chicken" in town, leading hungry would-be patrons to think "Uh, what is that chicken really made out of?"

Basically, all punctuation is there for a reason. It shows degrees of separation and emphasis. In fact, when you think about it, punctuation symbols are a lot like road signs. No, they're not huge and green. They tell your reader when to look alive and anticipate, when to slow down, and when to come to a complete stop.

Simply put, punctuation symbols are a powerful tool. Use them to get your audience to read your writing exactly how you want it to be read. Feel the power!


Punctuation is, uh, kind of made up.

See, it was originally used to help people know when to pause in a sentence. Comma was a short pause, semi-colon was a longer pause, and period was a full stop. So who are we to tell you that YOU CANNOT USE A COMMA THERE?

Plus, with the thousand ways we now have to communicate, punctuation is always changing. Remember when a period didn't mean you were angry? Those were the days.

Bottom line: take everything everyone says about punctuation with a grain of salt. Yes, you need to pass your grammar exam, but you don't need to deal with grammar tyrants.

Quiz Yourself on Punctuation


Which of the following has incorrect punctuation?

(A) You wouldn't dare use my last pink glitter pen, would you? You know that's my favorite kind!
(B) Dave's in Las Vegas? That's interesting. His boss thinks he has the measles.
(C) I wonder why Joan didn't want to come over for Thanksgiving? Tofurky is delicious!
(D) How did the chicken get upstairs? Weren't you supposed to close his coop last night?

Identify the punctuation error in the conversation.

Alfred: It's a beautiful day outside, isn't it.
Batman: Must you always only point out the good things in life? What about that gray cloud in the sky?
Alfred: Turn that frown upside down! It's 70 degrees and sunny. What more could you ask for?
Batman: I prefer my temperature to be 73.6 degrees exactly. Stop telling me what to do!

(A) isn't it.
(B) sky?
(C) down!
(D) do!

In terms of punctuation, which of the following sentences is most grammatically sound?

(A) Because my brother has to wear sports goggles (everyone calls him laser beam).
(B) I know exactly which page of my diary contains my deepest secrets, but I'm not telling you (132).
(A) She wanted to continue (playing dress up), but her mom thought fourteen was a little too old.
(D) All the children loved the entertainment at the birthday party (Giggles the clown).

Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect? 

I. As soon as I entered the room, I noticed something: My teacher had a class bunny.

II. I only enjoy two of the seven classes I am taking: health and physical education.

III. My back-to-school shopping list included the following supplies: A sparkly pencil pouch, retractable gel-ink pens, and color-coordinated notebooks.

(A) I
(B) II and III
(D) None of the above

Which sentence is grammatically correct?

(A) Sally went to the beach: and collected over 284 seashells in just one day!
(B) Just one second: where do you think you're going with all appetizers?
(C) The previously winless basketball team is on a rampage: they've won twenty games in a row!
(D) During the ride, please hold on to: anything that might fall out of your pockets, as well as your mommy's hand.

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