Adam Bede Chapter 23 Summary


  • When Adam hears "that he was to dine upstairs with the large tenants," he's put off (23.1). What about his family? But Seth is happy to see his brother getting on in the world, and reassures Adam that "Mother 'ull be fine and joyful about it" (23.5).
  • So Adam joins the other big-shots, folks like Martin Poyser and Mr. Craig and Bartle Massey.
  • Now, big-shots have a tendency not to get along. There's some debate about who should sit at the head of the table. But Bartle resolves this one by declaring that "the broadest man" should get the honor (23.19). And then, apparently uncomfortable with his new peacemaker role, Bartle picks a quarrel with Mr. Craig.
  • From where he is sitting, Adam can see the non-big-shots of Hayslope. Including Hetty. And Hetty shoots him enticing look. He thinks it's love, when really, Hetty's just playing up her rivalry with Adam's other admirer, Mary Burge, for all it's worth.