Adam Bede Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Adam Bede.

Love Quotes

In less than an hour from that time, Seth Bede was walking by Dinah's side along the hedgerow-path that skirted the pastures and green corn-fields which lay between the village and the Hall Farm. D...

Criminality Quotes

"All this he bore for you! For you—and you never think of him; for you—and you turn your backs on him; you don't care what he has gone through for you. Yet he is not weary of toiling for you: h...

Society and Class Quotes

Those were times when there was no rigid demarcation of rank between the farmer and the respectable artisan, and on the home hearth, as well as in the public house, they might be seen taking their...

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

Clearly the rector was not what is called in these days an "earnest" man: he was fonder of church history than of divinity, and had much more insight into men's characters than interest in their op...

Family Quotes

"St. Paul says as plain as can be in another place, 'I will that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully'; and then 'two...

Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

He ran back to Seth, and the two sons lifted the sad burden in heart-stricken silence. The wide-open glazed eyes were grey, like Seth's, and had once looked with mild pride on the boys before whom...

Education Quotes

"So it will go on, worsening and worsening," thought Adam; "there's no slipping uphill again, and no standing still when once you've begun to slip down." And then the day came back to him when he w...

Transformation Quotes

"Ah, poor blind child!" Dinah went on, "think if it should happen to you as it once happened to a servant of God in the days of her vanity. She thought of her lace caps and saved all her money to b...

Religion Quotes

I cannot pretend that Seth and Dinah were anything else than Methodists—not indeed of that modern type which reads quarterly reviews and attends in chapels with pillared porticoes, but of a very...