All the Pretty Horses True or False

1. Let's say you're a ranch hand just like John Grady, and you've been invited to the private chamber of Dueña Alfonsa—good for you! But now she wants to play chess. What is likely to happen? -> You beat her, realize that she's just testing you, realize she realized you would realize before you realized, and then she beats you in the next round anyway.
2. Alfonsa is most likely to complain about… -> Systemic gender inequality
3. Alfonsa is most likely to block your romantic endeavors by… -> Pointing to your suspicious associations
4. If she bails you out of a tough situation, it's likely because… -> She's doing it for someone else she cares about more
5. If Alfonsa's talking about power relations, it's likely that she'll say… -> We can't truly know how far power goes; there are no true 'puppet masters,' just endless series of puppet strings
