Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #1

At such a time, no individual hesitates. And whether the matter will be settled peaceably, or whether the joint action will result in ransacking, violence, and crime, depends on destiny. (Ballad.51)

A group can't be held accountable for its actions the way an individual can.

Quote #2

So these good people felt toward her something near to pity [...] —they had toward her a feeling which was a mixture of exasperation, a ridiculous little inside tickle, and a deep, unnamable sadness. (Ballad.48)

It's important to note that these "good people" number only three. Everyone else is waiting to see the blood smears on Miss Amelia's hands, evidence that she's killed the hunchback.

Quote #3

The group still clustered around, feeling somewhat gawky and bewildered. This sensation never quite wore off, but it was soon tempered by another feeling— an air of intimacy in the room and a vague festivity. (Ballad.65)

Interestingly, "gawky" seems like the feeling of a single person, rather than a crowd.