Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Miss Amelia, as has been mentioned, measured six feet two inches in height. Marvin Macy was one inch shorter. In weight they were about even—both of them weighing close to a hundred and sixty pounds. (Ballad.196)

Who says a tall woman won't date a man who's shorter than her?

Quote #2

[...] it was not only her talent as a boxer that had impressed everyone—she could demoralize her enemy by making terrifying faces and fierce noises, so that even the spectators were sometimes cowed. (Ballad.196)

They say you've got to win the hearts and minds of a people in order to win the fight. Guess Miss Amelia's got different ideas.

Quote #3

And the climax each evening was the time when Miss Amelia and Marvin Macy doubled their fists, squared up, and glared at each other. (Ballad.204)

It's not surprising that word traveled fast and people came from all over to see the fight: they'd been waiting for it for months.