Bird by Bird Themes

Bird by Bird Themes

Literature and Writing

We know you're shocked: Bird by Bird, a book subtitled "Some Instructions on Writing and Life," is about writing. So, just like it says on the cover, Anne Lamott has a lot to say about writing and...

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans

If you don't have hope, skip being a writer because a lot of the time, it's the only thing you're going to have. In Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott lays it all out about how as a writer, your dreams and...


So, genius writers lock themselves up in a library and refuse to talk to others while inspiration rushes through them as fast as a Ferrari, right? Yeah, no. In Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott is all abou...


Okay, so you signed up for a book about writing, not a book about life and death. But it turns out that life and death are some of the most important things writing can talk about, and since one go...


Shmooper, know thyself. Easier said than done, right? In fact, figuring out who you are is one of the million-dollar questions in all of literature. In Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott talks a lot about w...


Anne Lamott learns about life and writing from all sorts of experiences, religious and spiritual among them. Lamott is technically Christian, but she also seems to value insights and examples from...


You may be surprised to learn this, but Anne Lamott is obviously pretty sold on writing. As she tell us in Bird by Bird, she thinks it will open up your life to awe, help you grasp the truths of be...


Sorry, folks, but you're not going to get on The New York Times bestseller list if you're not committed to doing the hard work to get there, and it's not all about playing poker with famous writers...