The Black Prince Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Black Prince? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Despite demonstrating considerable misogyny, there are certain things that Bradley Pearson does admire in a woman. What does he admire about Rachel Baffin?

Her looks
Her emotional sensitivity
Her self-restraint
Her fiery will
Q. What quality does Bradley Pearson suggest is common to all marriages?

Q. In Bradley Pearson's point of view, what distinguishes his sexual feelings for Rachel Baffin from his feelings for Rachel's daughter, Julian?

Whereas sex with Rachel would simply satisfy his animal instincts, sex with Julian is a form of spiritual consummation.
Whereas sex with Rachel would require him to pretend that he is attracted to her, sex with Julian wouldn't need any pretense.
Whereas sex with Rachel would inspire him to write seedy romantic novels, sex with Julian will inspire great art.
There is no difference, really.
Q. Why does Bradley Pearson refer to the classical god Eros as "the black Eros"?

To draw connections between love, violence, and pleasurable suffering.
Because Eros is traditionally represented as wearing black clothing.
To emphasize associations between love and death.
Because Eros is traditionally represented as having dark skin.
Q. Which of the following reasons does Bradley Pearson give for not being jealous of Arnold Baffin?

Bradley has no desire to be successful, rich, and famous.
Bradley and Arnold are much too close for jealousy to exist between them.
Arnold's work is too mediocre to inspire jealousy.
Bradley believes that fame has turned Arnold into a less insightful and compassionate person.