Chomp Chapter 26 Summary

  • Never one to miss an opportunity to be witty, Tuna mentions the fact that it isn't a full moon (therefore if Derek was in fact a vampire, he wouldn't have transformed anyway).
  • Tuna and Wahoo are both amazed and grateful for his heroic action.
  • Wahoo ties Jared's hands together with a vine and Link makes really tight knots.
  • It is a special moment when Mickey tells Wahoo how proud of him he is, and then he comes up with a little white lie to tell Susan Cray that Alice bit his foot.
  • Everyone agrees to keep Derek's vampire episode quiet—it's the least they can do since he saved them.
  • Tuna asks for his autograph and he writes her a really nice and humble note.
  • The police take Link, Mickey, and Wahoo away immediately.
  • Another police officer arrests Jared.
  • The End.