Chomp Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I said we'd take the job. I said we could start next week."

"Are you crazy, boy? Look at me, I can't see straight, I can't hardly walk, my skull's 'bout to split open like a rotten pumpkin—" (1.75-76)

Since Mickey got knocked on the noggin with an iguana, he hasn't been able to work. But the Crays could lose their animals, truck, and house if they don't start making payments, so Wahoo takes the job for a good reason.

Quote #2

"Tell me about the TV thing," she said.

"It's real good money."

"But is it a good job?"

"Yeah, awesome," Wahoo said, thinking: When you're broke, any job is a good job. (4.20-23)

Mickey and Wahoo have to take this job despite their values and the desire to not work with Derek. In one way, it would be irresponsible to quit the job. In another, it is irresponsible to keep it.

Quote #3

"Hey! What about the gator?" Derek Badger shouted after them.

"Over my dead body," Mickey said.


"Four grand!" cried Derek. "Four thousand dollars!"

Mickey Cray turned around, smiling. "That I heard." (5.113-122)

After Derek attacked Beulah, Mickey knew he shouldn't handle any more animals. So why did he accept a four thousand dollar bonus so quickly? Did the money change the situation?