Les Liaisons dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons) Part 2, Letters 56-60 Summary

Letter 56: Madame de Tourvel to the Vicomte de Valmont

  • Tourvel finds the constant letters from Valmont tiresome.
  • She's a happily married woman, so why would she want to sacrifice her peace of mind just to get involved in a crazy love affair?
  • And she doesn't think much of his belittling the previous women in his life.
  • She says this letter will be her last. It's definitely over.

Letter 57: The Vicomte de Valmont to the Marquise de Merteuil

  • Valmont assures Danceny that an honorable love is best thing in the world.
  • The young man has now opened himself up completely to Valmont, so he and the Marquise can really start mucking around in Danceny and Cécile's relationship.
  • Valmont wants to convince Danceny that it's OK to pursue sex with Cécile, but he doesn't think the girl will give in before marriage.
  • And while they're at it, maybe the Marquise could grant him his reward early?

Letter 58: The Vicomte de Valmont to the Madame de Tourvel

  • Not to be discouraged so easily, Valmont explains to his beloved why he can't help writing to her of his love: he's just being honest and true to who he is.
  • If she could just stop being afraid of him, she'd see how good things could be.
  • He wants nothing else in life except to make her happy. How can she refuse him?
  • Uh-huh.

Letter 59: The Vicomte de Valmont to the Marquise de Merteuil

  • Puzzled by the next letter (enclosed with this one), Valmont asks the Marquise what in the world has lit a fire under Danceny. He got a desperate letter from him.
  • Valmont will be meeting with him later that day to find out what happened.

Letter 60: The Chevalier Danceny to the Vicomte de Valmont (enclosed with the preceding letter)

  • Danceny is desperate, but he won't explain the problem in his letter.
  • Sounds like everything is falling apart for him.
  • Naturally, the Vicomte passes this letter along to the Marquise.