Les Liaisons dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons) Part 4, Letters 161-165 Summary

Letter 161: The Présidente de Tourvel to … (dictated by her and written by her maid)

  • The letter begins and ends with hostility to Valmont.
  • She feels abandoned by all her friends because of what's happened.
  • She wishes her husband would return so he could punish her for being unfaithful.
  • Instead, God is punishing her by making her think about the man who has ruined her.
  • She seems to hallucinate Valmont first as a tender lover, then as a monster.

Letter 162: The Chevalier Danceny to the Vicomte de Valmont

  • Danceny has learned of Valmont's affair with Cécile—no doubt from his friend the Marquise.
  • He challenges Valmont to a duel in the morning.
  • Well, that escalated quickly!

Letter 163: Monsieur Bertrand to Madame de Rosemonde

  • Bertrand sadly gives the news to Madame de Rosemonde that her nephew was killed in a duel. Valmont was carried home, bleeding to death from two sword wounds
  • Danceny's there as well, weeping.
  • Everyone's shocked when Valmont tells them not to blame Danceny and embraces him as friend.
  • He gives Danceny a pack of letters and asks to speak to him privately.
  • After receiving the last rites, Valmont dies.
  • Bertrand is very sad about Valmont's death. He informs Madame that she is now free to dispose of her property however she likes; it was to have passed to Valmont

Letter 164: Madame de Rosemonde to Monsieur Bertrand

  • Less forgiving than Valmont, his aunt wants a legal complaint lodged against Danceny.
  • She thinks duels are a ridiculous relic of a time long past.
  • As a precaution, she asks Bertrand to get some legal advice about this matter.

Letter 165: Madame de Volanges to Madame de Rosemonde

  • Madame de Volanges consoles Madame de Rosemonde about her nephew's death and has more bad news to share. Madame de Tourvel has died.
  • When Madame de Tourvel learns of Valmont's death, her condition deteriorates even more.
  • She sends everyone away except Madame de Volanges and asks God to forgive Valmont.
  • She asks to meet with Father Anselme and she gives Madame de Volanges a box of documents to give to Madame de Rosemonde.
  • She spends an hour with Father Anselme. After an hour, she seems calm but the priest is in tears.
  • Everyone spends the day in prayer, and Madame de Tourvel dies that evening.
  • Madame de Volanges reminisces about what a perfect life everyone thought that Madame de Tourvel had—beauty, a loving husband, fortune, lots of friends.
  • Who would have thought things would end like this?
  • Upon hearing of the two deaths, Cécile faints.