Doll Bones Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He didn't know how else to make things go back to normal. It wasn't like he could shrink himself back into being the same as before. (2.26)

Zach seems to understand that the changes he's experiencing socially are connected to his growth spurt. There's no going back.

Quote #2

But that seemed forever ago, and so much had happened since. He almost didn't feel like the same person. (3.17)

Yesterday, "forever ago"… same difference, right? We get the feeling that Zach would make a really melodramatic vampire.

Quote #3

Zach had followed this exact route many times, his finger curled in his mother's when he was little and then gripping the handlebars of his bike when he was older, and now on foot to and from school. (3.41)

You can almost feel the seasons passing in this sentence. Zach's growing up in a flash.